How To Hide Your Computer Cords

Truth bomb: this post will not contain pretty pictures.  My office is still very much in progress, but today I organized my computer cords that have been driving me cray cray.  My husband hates when I say "cray cray".

Here are my ugly cords, bleh.

I bought some of these "Mug Hooks" at Wal-Mart for about 2 bucks.  They are peel and stick.

Then I stuck my hooks along the bottom of my desk like so.  I knew the power pack to my lap top was going to be too heavy for the peel and stick hooks, so I attached two screw-in hooks to hang it on.

Here's how it looked once I strung the cords through, and hung up the power pack.

Ta-da!!  No more cords!

Alternatives to the Gallery Wall

I'm still seeing gallery walls like the one below everywhere, and I still like them.

But you can't put a gallery display on every single wall in your house or you're gonna look like a crazy person. Here are some other ideas to fill those empty walls. Framed wallpaper.

Enlarge family photos and frame - those are Ikea frames!

Display 9 matching frames in a grid.

Shelves or picture ledges.

Source: via Cathy on Pinterest

Target vs. West Elm Duvet

So I was browsing Target the other day, as I often do, and happened upon this striped duvet cover.  I immediately thought of the almost exact same duvet cover that West Elm carries; and of course Target's Queen size version is less than half the price!  This is why Target is the best.